wooden shoes and windmills



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I've got this friend. He's a good friend. He likes to pose in wife beaters and backwards baseball caps and let out neanderthal yells about women who have more hair under their arms than they have on their heads.

I know, I know....but what can ya do?

In other news, Heather embarrassed herself the other day. What? Not surprised?

See, there's this person I'm sort've attracted to. I did this very clumsy thing, a very Heather-esque thing - right in front of said person. Suffice to say, I was mortified - and I don't embarrass easily!

Why? Why me?
|| Heather, 16:31


sure, sure. I stumbled across this "interesting" picture of you in the highschool file on the computer at church. It must be, what, People Hunt circa 2002? Priceless, no?
Blogger Heather, at donderdag, maart 17, 2005 9:24:00 p.m.  
ahhh, there you are heather, I was wondering where you had dissappeared to. did you see that you are now a B.O.N. on my blog? be excited! and way to go on the embarassment factor. showing your honest self is always a beauty thing in front of an attracteee. peace
Blogger Mr. P, at maandag, maart 21, 2005 11:32:00 a.m.  
Heather, now that I see your picture, yes I remember you. I'm glad to hear that you're still alive and well.

Have a great day and an excellent life. Have fun enjoy what you do.
Anonymous Anoniem, at dinsdag, maart 22, 2005 6:13:00 a.m.  

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