wooden shoes and windmills



I caught a glimpse of Mt. Rainier today beyond the rows and rows of evergreen. Its magnificent snowy peak set upon a backdrop of clear blue sky made me smile from ear to ear – the sort of toothy grin that makes your whole body feel like a smile long after your face has returned to normal.

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[photo by: manju.cs.berkeley.edu/. ../Mt-Rainier.JPG]

No, I’m not having delusions of longing for the Pacific North West – this time. Roughly three weeks ago I, once again, moved away from home. Or, rather, I’ve moved from my family and all of my dear California friends to the only place I always feel truly at home. I’m back in Seattle.

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[photo by: bigwhiteguy.com/images/ daily/starbucks.jpg]

I’m living with my grandparents and working back at the ‘Bucks. There’s more to the story but I’m not eager to air it within this medium. I get to play with my younger cousins often since they live just down road and I got here just in time for Spring. The days are long and getting longer. The raccoons drink and splash in my grandparents’ backyard pond. The scent of freshly cut grass mixed with pine and cedar should be bottled, though it would never smell this good. I’m really loving it.

You should come.
|| Heather, 01:31 || link || (0) comments |