wooden shoes and windmills



Ok, ok, I realize it's been months since my brother Eric and I actually drove from So. Cal to Seattle but there are still pictures to share - a journey documented. We had a fantastic time and here it is (some of it) in pictures:

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One essential for any road trip: Red Vines!

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The place to get the good stuff, perhaps - far superior to the stuff from South Weed.

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Eric got bored somewhere between Bakersfield and Ashland. Meet Licorice Man!!!

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Ahh... driving whilst photoing - a deliciously dangerous combination.

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No rain, nor hail, nor sleet, nor snow, nor blurry Mac trucks could stop us!

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Average speed: 80mph. Average numer of times Burt's Bees was applied daily: 10

So there you have it. There were others including entire documentation of our drive up the Oregon coast but I don't remember where I stashed those ones. Hum.
|| Heather, 21:46


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