I never thought I could be so thankful for getting up before the sun and starting work at 5.45am but when your office is on the 10th floor and faces a mountain range and the sunrise it's hard not to be thankful. The sunrises are so brilliant some days it's like an enormous light show, just for us early birds, that changes second by second.
This morning there is a lavender-rose haze shrouding the city and more of the same peeking up from behind the mountains. I know in a minute the sky will have changed completely.
The rosey-pinks are still backlighting the mountains but now the sun is preparing to make its grand entrance with a brilliant prelude of orangy-yellow that spreads forward beyond the mountains and reflects off the whispy Cirrus clouds blanketing the sky.
Mt. Ranier is coming into full view and while magnificent in her own right - especially with a thick covering of snow - she pales in comparison to the rising sun.
The sun has risen just above the tips of the mountains and its bright gleaming turns everything below it - all of the buildings and trees and people and cars - to shadows while it fills the sky with its brilliance.
Good morning sun. Welcome to the day....
"But I trust in you, O LORD;
I say, "You are my God."
My times are in your hands"
Psalm 31:14-15a
Happy Tuesday!